Gathered data and future plans

Well, its been a few hours  since launch, and I've already gathered a few suggestions for fixes and future changes and additions.  I would like to share them with you, and explain what I am going to implement and why. These are the the conclusions and suggestions so far:

1) A Tie state animation. I have to admit, I meant to have something there and forgot all about it. This will take some time to implement despite being a simple thing to add coding-wise, because I will have to draw and animate an asset for it. I've made the win and lose animations out of the existing movement animations, so I did not have to redraw anything, but this requires a new animation. So yes, it will be added, but I don't know how soon, as there are things that only require coding that will be faster to implement and take precedent.

2) Character speed. While there were no complaints about character speed yet, there has been a suggestion to create a "panic mode" where the player and rival move faster, thus creating more challenge. I will look into that and see what I can do, but further testing will have to be done to determine how fast this fast mode should be.  This can also be implemented as an ingame object you can collect that induces a "haste" state. I wonder which option is better and would love feedback.

3) Match length. There have been a few suggestions about this aspect of the game:
     a) An option to choose the length of the match before it starts: 1min, 5min, continuous (match persists until player ends it.
     b) An option to lengthen the match by collecting a randomly dropped item, such as a pearl for "fortune's favor" or something of the like. This item can either be  randomly appearing like the Beacons, and you have to find it, OR it can be dropped when you hit the rival, along with the Beacons it drops. question is, should it be the first option or the second, or both. I haven't decided yet and would love to hear feedback.
I am not sure whether to implement both a and b or just b, and am still debating what would be best.

4) A "rematch" button at the end of a match that will allow you to restart the match. This is a bit tricky because of the "press any button to continue" state, but I will find a way around it.

5) Support for mobile - aka touch support. This is a bit tricky because in order to implement it with the least pain and suffering, I will have to convert to the new input system Unity has rolled out, and that is a bit complicated and requires some rework of the existing movement code. This is certainly a more long term goal than something I'm going to implement right at this moment.

6) A 2 player game. Well, this is the dream, but it is very complicated and requires so research and a lot of code rework. Its a long term goal, and by long term I mean, one day.

As you can see, there are a few features in consideration. I am unsure about the timeline of implementation here, as I have limited free time to work on it (the bills don't wait for no one) but this is the current road map, and I will start prioritizing and looking into the various aspects ASAP.

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